Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wall Mount Ironing Board Singapore


How nice I got a Nengajo
sent him to me and my sister Yuka

for those who do not know it's all about Nengajo

The Japanese have a tradition of their own for shipping
of the first day of the new postcards (年 贺 状 nengajō).
This tradition is similar to the habit of Western dispatched cards Christmas.
Their purpose is to greet and to wish their friends and relatives far from home,
a way to maintain close ties with his family.

stationers sell many varieties of cards and many of them have the sign taken from the New Year Chinese Zodiac,
conventional printed greetings or both.
The postcards in addition to already be pre-printed with dedications and drawings may also have spaces
to write a personal message to the sender. Also on sale are totally white postcards,
imprinted with the stamp of the year only to celebrate, so that people can write or draw their
thoughts. The pre-printed postcards with messages
conventional and designed with the animal
year are sold to department stores and at many other department stores. Even
stamps for postcards are sold with no precompiled depicted the animal of the year.
The tradition is not lost even with the popularity of e-mail, because this is a practice very
heard and considered very important.

If I ask something wrong with my sister on the blog "Sarah the discovery of Japan"
and she told me that is a Nengajo


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